Monday 14 November 2016

Things That Happens After Year Of Migration

After migration of the Prophet Makkah to Madinah. There are lots of changes and revolution come. In the Primary Year of Hijra, the mosque of the Prophet (Pbuh) was constructed. Azan was used for the first time to call Muslims for entreaty and Charter of Madinah was constituted. Brother Hood was professed between Ansar’s and Muhajirs, these all scared places are the star for the Muslims. They came here to perform all the rites hajj and Umrah pilgrimage.

  • It was obligatory for Muslims to request five times a day. They had to hang their everyday doings, and to do this duty. But there was no way to attentive them that the time had come for praying. Abdullah bin Ziyad was a resident of Yathrib. He originated to see the Prophet, and said that while he was half-awake or half-asleep, a man appeared before him and told him that the humanoid voice ought to be rummage-sale to call the correct to prayer; and he also taught him the call to prayer which called Azaan, and the way of saying it. historians say that the knowledge attracted to the Prophet, and he accepted it forthwith. He then called Bilal, trained him how to call the Muslims to prayer, and chosen him the first Muzzan (caller to prayer) of Islam. You can visit these palces if you are willing travel Of Umrah and Hajj.
  • The People of Makkha had left their relations and possessions and now they wanted monetary support. So, each emigrant / Muhajir was corresponding with an Ansar- the people of Madinah and they were professed as brothers. The Ansars communal all their wealth and property with the expatriates and they were even allowable to inherit from them. In some bags, they even communal wives.
  • The name “Yathrib” soon developed outdated. People began to sound it “Medina-tu-Nabi the City of the Prophet. In owing sequence, practice produced a reduction of this name to be accepted just as Madinah the City,” and that's what the designation of the city of the Prophet of Islam has continued ever meanwhile. Pilgrims love to see these places when they originate to accomplish all rites of Hajj and Umrah Pilgrimage Service 2017.

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